I apologize for leaving you all for the past few days. We have been in the middle of nowhere since Saturday. We have finally arrived in Palmer, AK where we will spend the next week before heading to Valdez on Sunday.
The rest of the trip was amazing. For 1500 miles we drove through some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen. Mile after mile I was repeatedly reminded why we chose to make this move. When we visited Scott in Montana he told me he was asked a few days earlier what is the best thing about life. He responded with "The beauty in Life." Driving through this magical place i couldn't help but think of that and fully agree.
We saw an abundace of wildlife. Lots of moose, caribou, stone mountain sheep, elk and one blad eagle.
The drive was great, but we are also glad to finally be home. Every second I spend in this place, i love it more and more.
I promise to continually update this more often now that we have fulltime internet. If you would like to see more pictures, you can view them at http://s161.photobucket.com/albums/t212/jcarmichael0483/