Monday, April 30, 2007

Home at Last

I apologize for leaving you all for the past few days. We have been in the middle of nowhere since Saturday. We have finally arrived in Palmer, AK where we will spend the next week before heading to Valdez on Sunday.

The rest of the trip was amazing. For 1500 miles we drove through some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen. Mile after mile I was repeatedly reminded why we chose to make this move. When we visited Scott in Montana he told me he was asked a few days earlier what is the best thing about life. He responded with "The beauty in Life." Driving through this magical place i couldn't help but think of that and fully agree.

We saw an abundace of wildlife. Lots of moose, caribou, stone mountain sheep, elk and one blad eagle.

The drive was great, but we are also glad to finally be home. Every second I spend in this place, i love it more and more.

I promise to continually update this more often now that we have fulltime internet. If you would like to see more pictures, you can view them at

Friday, April 27, 2007

Update From the Road

Sorry about the whole mix up with the other blog site. sucks and you should never use it.

Heres an update of everything up until now.

The trailer is working great, finally.

Thursday we made it into Bozeman, MT to visit Scott and Oscar. Those of you that know Scott will find the following information very ammusing yet enlightening. Scott is one of the top Plant Science students in the country and has recieved numerous awards for it. He is getting straight A's double majoring in Plant Science and Chemistry. Those of you that know Oscar wil find the following information even more amusing. Oscar wll soon graduate with a pre-med degree and then will be off to Medical School. I guess everyone must grow up sometime...

Anyways, we had lunch with them and and then made it to Calgary, Alberta by last night. This morning we got up and drove a whole 2 hours to Edmonton so that the women could spend the rest of the day shoppping at the Edmonton Mall. Apparently the biggest mall in Canada. What a blast... Well needless to say we are still in Edmonton.

Tomorrow we begin the drive into no mans land. Northwest through British Columbia, Yukon and then Alaska. We plan on making it to Dawson's Creek by tomorrow night and the start in on the Alcan Highway by the next morning. This should put us into Palmer, AK by sunday evening. If all goes well.


Now that we finally got this whole blog thing figured out, we can get on with it. This post was supposed to show up last Wednes day so imagine that you are reading it then.

Well. Were do we begin... The first two days of our trip have definately been eventfull to say the least. We got off to a pretty late start on tuesday and enjoyed traffic, snow, slush and rain for the first few hours of our trip. We finally pulled out of that when we got into Wyoming. Stopping for gas just north of Cheyenne, Frank (Richell's Dad) decided to check the clearance of the trailer tires from the bottom of the trailer. In doing so we discovered that there was none. The front tires had been rubbing on the bottom of the trailer for who knows how long.
Since we were in a place that had only a gas station, we were forced to drive 120 miles to the nearest town, Casper, WY. We stayed the night there and the next morning decided that we had too much weight in the trailer. We drove to the nearest parking lot, which happened to be a Wal-Mart and proceeded to unload the entire trailer and repack it. At this time, the "Wal-Mart police decided to come regulate and make sure we were not having a yard sale in there parking lot

In the process, to get rid of some weight, we decided to sell our couch and washer and dryer to the nearest used furniture store for much less than it was actually worth. We were not to upset about it, we can always get new furniture. We then also repacked all of the heavy boxes in the back of the truck to release. some weight. But, 6 hours, two Wal-Mart Police, 3 trailer hitches, one yard sale, one trailer repair shop, three less pieces of furniture and one nice bystander with a big truck, later. We got on the road. The trailer is driving great now and we have finally stopped for the night in Billings Montana.

We have only smooth sailing ahead of us (hopefully) and expect a worry free great drive the rest of the way. Tomorrow we will take off and head to Bozeman, MT to visit Scotty and Oscar and the hope to make it into Canada by the evening.