Sorry about the whole mix up with the other blog site. sucks and you should never use it.
Heres an update of everything up until now.
The trailer is working great, finally.
Thursday we made it into Bozeman, MT to visit Scott and Oscar. Those of you that know Scott will find the following information very ammusing yet enlightening. Scott is one of the top Plant Science students in the country and has recieved numerous awards for it. He is getting straight A's double majoring in Plant Science and Chemistry. Those of you that know Oscar wil find the following information even more amusing. Oscar wll soon graduate with a pre-med degree and then will be off to Medical School. I guess everyone must grow up sometime...
Anyways, we had lunch with them and and then made it to Calgary, Alberta by last night. This morning we got up and drove a whole 2 hours to Edmonton so that the women could spend the rest of the day shoppping at the Edmonton Mall. Apparently the biggest mall in Canada. What a blast... Well needless to say we are still in Edmonton.
Tomorrow we begin the drive into no mans land. Northwest through British Columbia, Yukon and then Alaska. We plan on making it to Dawson's Creek by tomorrow night and the start in on the Alcan Highway by the next morning. This should put us into Palmer, AK by sunday evening. If all goes well.
I was wondering what happened to the other blog, I kept checking to see how the trip was going after the Wal-Mart issue. safe travels the rest of the way!
So does this mean I hauled that stupid couch into the trailer for no real reason? Cause that would be sweet. I hope you had access to a TV last night, cause Brothers and Sisters was pretty good.
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