Wednesday, May 2, 2007


This place is awesome. There are so many places to run and to smell. And there is moose poop everywhere. I am just glad to be out of that stupid car. This morning Dad didnt tie my leash on very well and i got to run off. I only explored for about 15 minutes before he caught me though. Next time im gonna head into the woods so he cant find me. And they have a cat here which is pretty cool, but dad yells at me evrytime i chase her too. He's no fun. Ok i have to go sniff some more moose poop.


SeanBonnieMichaela said...

That is an awsome part of your blog. I can't wait till we come see you guys. Michaela really misses you guys and I am sure Alo can take her on adventures!!! Love you all!

Greg Wissinger said...

Oh Alo,
I can't wait to come visit so we can sniff moose poop together