Monday, May 28, 2007

I'm Just a Girl, and a Bike

We live about a mile and a half away from the shop. Gas here is $3.50/gal. I have been walking to work on nice days, because it is good to be outside, and it is nice not to have to worry about waisting the gas on a 3 mile round trip commute. Jason has been riding his bike to work; even on the rainy days. I opt to drive on the rainy days, because my bike has been out of commision - - since, oh-you know, LAST Memorial Day weekend when we took them to Moab. I have needed a simple tube replacement in my front tire. Something my husband has promised to take care of everyday since we have been here.

I really wanted him to do it yesterday because he left today on a 7 day camping trip. He didn't. Which is fine, I was just going to have to do it, and have someone help me install it. Jason took the car to the shop this morning because he needed to carry all of his gear with him. I walked in this morning, with the intention on driving home, and stopping by the bike store to get a new tube. Jason left on his trip before I got to the shop, and only like Jason could; he took the keys with him. Luckily he didn't lock Alo inside of it!

So here I am with no bike, and no car, and a forecast of rain for the next 7 days. Fun! I did go pick up the tube, and just had them install it for me. Alo and I rode home tonight. This is a challenge. I haven't done much biking outside of a spinning class for some time now. Now I am doing it with a backpack, in the rain, with my crazy dog on a leash. All was alright. I made it about 2 blocks before Alo saw something move. For all I know it was a misquitto, or maybe a rock... but it was interesting enough for her! Off to the right she goes, and right off my bike I go too.... I was able to catch myself, and didn't totally eat it, but it was close.

I thought this would be a great picture painted for you guys. Here I am, a girl that just over a month ago was dressing in professional clothes, driving my Jetta to work, in an office where casual Friday's did not exist. Today, I am a girl that wishes I had a reason to get into some nicer clothes without getting a look (really, not even a resturaunt around here calls for more than what you just got off the fishing boat in) riding my bike to work in rain gear, holding my dog on a leash in one hand, and coffee mug in the other.

Anyways - I thought this was funny. Hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend!


Anonymous said...

richell, you are so funny! you are more then welcome to come down here any time you like and get dressed up with me :) when jason comes back, tell him he hasn't changed a bit...

Anonymous said...

You know what would really help us picture this is if you took an actual picture and posted it on here! My what a change you have had to go through over the last month!

Greg Wissinger said...

That'll teach you to go on an adventure! Just kidding, that sucks. But the experience taught you to be self reliant in the fixing of your bike.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.