We had amazing weather yesterday. I couldn't stand it so I took the second half of the day off and went flying. I flew up over some glaciers by our house and then headed over and took some aerial photos of NOLS Alaska where I work. Below are some pictures of my trip. They are not the best but I was flying and taking pictures at the same time.
That brings up something else. With this new camera that we have, I have taken up a bit of an interest in photography. I don't really know much about it, but I am doing my best. I will use this blog to showcase some of my better pictures. For those of you that are a little more photographically inclined (or even if your not) I welcome feedback and constructive criticism on my work.
I have been working hard on the entryway remodeling project. It is the most dramatic remodel we have done up till now on the house. As soon as I am done I will post some before and after pictures (I am pretty proud of it). After that's done, its on to building a kitchen island with a dishwasher in it(we currently don't have a dishwasher).
Not much new in the baby world. We have an appointment next week with the doc to hear the heartbeat for the first time. Right now the baby is about the size of a grape.
Its supposed to snow for the next 4 days. Should be fun this weekend.
thanks J!
So, I know you live in Alaska but it's still hard to believe that you are able to fly over "some glaciers by your house" that just seems nuts.
congrats on your new interest in photography - that happens to many new Dads when their baby is born but you're getting a head start :)
"Currently the size of a grape"...Classic. It bums me out seeing the glaciers and the farm, I can't wait til I'm able to get up there again
Leigh, I know, its still hard to believe myself sometimes!
Greg, the glaciers and the farm miss you too. If you didn't notice, our base camp from when we went hunting is right at the bottom of that first picture.
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